Are your shelves overflowing with manga and anime?
You can’ t close your drawers anymore because of all the merchandise?
Do your figures in the glass case only catch dust and make you
not happy anymore?
Then bring your old, but well kept, stuff to us and turn it into cash.
Opening Hours
Fr. & Sa. 10:00 – 20:00
Su. 10:00 – 16:00
How does it work?
Short and very easy! The sale is exclusively and only by preregistration. To do this, please log on to the appropriate website and enter your products, print out the codes and attach them to the goods. Registered items marked with codes will then be gladly accepted and offered for sale by the Bring&Buy team on friday and saturday during AniNite.
Since the charity campaigns are very popular, there is the possibility to hand in your goods for charity purposes again. We mark these separately so that everyone knows that they are supporting a good cause with their purchase.
Rules for the sale
- Only private individuals – no merchants – may participate in the Bring & Buy.
- Maximum delivery quantity is 150 items ( a series count as 1 item).
- The items must be Japan/Manga/Anime related. Accepted are mainly: manga, anime, games, artbooks, figurines, stuffed animals*, small objects like cell phone charms**, small figurines and the like*, cosplays and everything that belongs to them*, wigs.
*-Category: maximum delivery quantity is limited to 20 items.
**-Category: maximum delivery quantity is limited to 50 items. - Minimum selling price is 10 euro cents. Prices are to be indicated in 10 euro cent increments. Prices must be stated in EUR and cents.
- No bootlegs (=pirated copies).
- Pornographic items must be neutrally wrapped and labeled in advance.
Explicit areas must be covered. - The seller must register in advance on the specified website and disclose their items for sale (no data will be disclosed to third parties) and attach the corresponding product codes printed on the goods for sale.
- The corresponding item codes must be visibly and legibly attached to the goods and must not be misplaced. A removal by the purchaser must be
possible without leaving a mark, however - Not acceptable are: magazines such as Animania, Koneko, Daisuki, Banzai,
Mangapower, as well as items not related to Japan/Manga/Anime. - Drop-off and pick-up:Pick-up are happening continuously during the event. The collection of unsold goods and money will be done on the last day of the event only. People who do not attend all three days of the event may pick up their money and unsold merchandise earlier (no later than 7 p.m. on Friday and Saturday). It is important to be aware that the returns and payouts starts at 2:00 p.m. on the last day of the event and must be completed at the latest by 4:00 p.m. (NOT LATER!). Therefore, please line up on time! Should you not collect your property in time, the Bring&Buy team is entitled to refuse to return it. In this case, please contact the AniNite team via contact form within 14 days after the AniNite.
- Please be aware that in case of high demand, the Bring&Buy team reserves the right to stop accepting orders. In this case, it will be announced when more admissions will take place again.
- When dropping off, as well as picking up your merchandise, please bring the pickup code and an item list (either print the codes again and uncut or a legible handwritten list). Goods will only be accepted after prior presentation of the pick-up code and the article list!
- After submission, the item list will be signed by both the individual and a staff member as confirmation.
- The AniNite does not charge any sales commission, but also does not assume any
liability. Therefore, there will be no compensation for lost items. If a missing item is found after the
dismantling it will also be listed in the B&B Facebook group so you can get them back.
Binding tips
- Most importantly, the QR code must not be torn, bent or curved. Otherwise, the scanner unfortunately cannot read it.
- The QR code should be clearly visible, preferably on the front of the wrapping (NOT NEXT TO OR ON TOP OF THE ORIGINAL BARCODE! – or there will be scanner problems). If possible, the code should be affixed in such a way that no important information about the product is obscured.
- For plushies, stick the QR code onto a cardboard and tie it around the neck with a string. For hygienic reasons, we also recommend packing soft toys in transparent bags, in which case we would like you to attach the code securely to the bag.
- For figurines, please put the QR code on the front of the original box. If there is no box left, please enclose it in another box, e.g. a shoe box, and seal it with the code. Also, attaching a self-taken photo of the figurine to the replacement box would be advisable. Small figures can also be handed in a ziplock bag. However, this must then be closed so that it cannot be opened.
- Gashapons or similar small goods should be packed in small well-sealed bags and the QR code should be visibly placed on the bag.
- All types of cosplays and clothing will be accepted only in clear bags (for example, garbage bag) or boxes. All the accessories, as well as a photo of the cosplay (or more, so that all the individual parts are visible) and the size indicated must be in the bags. For the boxes, please stick the picture with the size information on the lid. The QR code should be placed at the bottom of the photo.
- Series (manga, anime, games, etc.) should be dropped off sorted and wrapped in plastic wrap to prevent them from falling apart. Single volumes do not need to be wrapped individually. But we still recommend it to protect your goods.
- Should you send someone to pick up your items and money in place of you, please provide the person with a list of your goods, as well as a written consent form. This must contain your real name, username, email address and your signature.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them in the B&B group on Facebook . All those who are not on Facebook can send their requests via the contact form .
With kind regards
The Bring&Buy Team