Panels & Workshops on Sunday
VoWo-Raum 1

Long silky hair or a short hairstyle after all? Full eyelashes and perfect make-up or the typical tomboy character? In this drawing panel, we will look at the different female anime/manga stereotypes and set out to draw them too. From Himedere to Tsundere, each one finds its rightful place with us on the drawing board. Beginners and professionals are welcome!
Panelist: Akailein
Limit: 15 Participants! Please sign up at the information desk up to 1 hour before the start.

Are you fascinated by cosplay and have you always wanted to try out this exciting hobby for yourself? Then this panel is just the right thing for you! The panel presented by Sabaku and Ziora, who have been cosplaying for more than 12 years, is especially aimed at cosplay beginners: Where do you get cosplays and wigs? What are the most important steps to make a cosplay by yourself? How do I handle wigs, fabrics and other materials like Worbla and co. properly? All these questions and more will be answered step by step to give you a first overview. At the end there will be time for any open questions.
Panelists: Sabaku & Ziora
Limit: 40 Participants! Please sign up at the information desk up to 1 hour before the start.

Funny AMVs don’t take themselves seriously enough! There are only ever cheap jokes made! >:(“
– alleged quotation from random people
So why should you as an AMV-Schnitzel make AMVs that are even remotely funny?
This panel truncates itself to these and many other unasked questions, in order to give completely groundless answers plucked out of thin air.
Learn “everything” about the following with the help of the latest “state-of-the-art” analyses and a “solid” scientific theoretical underpinning.
– what Michel Foucault said about AMVs
– how to correctly bread schnitzel
– how many TPS are too many TPS
– Why H E N T A I is conquering the world
Anyone who has nothing better to do at Austria’s biggest con than to have their brains greasily fried in a lecture that somehow has something to do with AMVs is cordially invited.
For everyone else: There is free seating 😉
Panelist: tnyoP

In diesem Vortrag erfährst du alles über dynamische Fotografie!
Hauptthemen: Kleine Geschichten zu deinen Fotos, Interaktionen zwischen den Figuren, Emotionen
Dynamische Komposition: Hauptlinien, sich kreuzende Objekte, Hinzufügen des Vordergrunds, Platzierung von Objekten im Bild, dynamische Posen
Spezialeffekte: Wasser (Spritzer), Rauch, fliegende Objekte, fliegender Stoff, Feuer, Schweben
Wie man einen Teaser erstellt
Vortrags-Leitung: Pugoffka
VoWo-Raum 2
Gunpla is short for Gundam Plastic Model. Introduced by Bandai for the entire range of products from Gundam.
Gundam kits come in different grades, usually not really differing in difficulty, but how detailed the kits are.
What they all have in common is that you don’t have to glue or paint them.
Apart from the “entry grades” used here, however, you need at least a pair of side cutters suitable for plastic kits (the one in the wire toolbox is too coarse for this). Fingernail clippers are usually sufficient, however.
If you want to be VERY precise, also something to file (nail files with rough and fine side are best).
Here you get to know Gunpla via the Entry Grade. The only thing you need here is some patience and joy in tinkering. The rest comes on its own.
I will explain how to work best with EntryGrades and what to be aware of.
I will also briefly explain the differences between the grades.
If there is interest I can also tell something about the own coloring of Gunpla and if/which special tools are “mandatory” for it.
Questions are of course welcome, both about the craft itself and about the different grades.
Panelists: mastapetz

Superheroes face trauma on a daily basis. How much of their personality is a symptom of complex trauma? We first define different types of trauma and how they affect a person’s psyche. Then let’s look at Ironman, Batman and Superman.
Panelist: Tonie Thimble

You are an artist and would like to present your work at a convention, but don’t know how to design your first own stand? Then you’ve come to the right place! Here you will learn everything you need to know to be able to exhibit at a convention for the first time: You’ll not only get useful information on products, prices and printers, but also tips on the best way to set up a stand, register and showcase your products.
Panelist: Yunuyei

This workshop is for those who already have a little idea about tailoring! These topics will be covered:
a) Measuring correctly – All important body measurements and how to measure them correctly. Incl. the opportunity to try it out directly
b) Pattern 1×1 -What types of patterns are there, what are their advantages/disadvantages, how do I apply them correctly, how do I find out my size, etc.?
c) Modify ready-made patterns -explained in a practical way, with illustrative material so that everyone can understand.
d) Q&A – I’ll take the time to answer all your questions about your next sewing projects!
Panelist: Misses Charmy
Limit: 20 Participants! Please sign up at the information desk up to 1 hour before the start.
VoWo-Raum 3

Awesome horns can bring a cosplay to another level of epicness! But how to craft them? And after they have been created… How to fix them to your head? So many questions! And many possibilities to solve this. In this panel, Joyce from Pretzl Cosplay will show you different techniques to craft horns for cosplay, with materials like foam, foam clay and Worbla. She’ll also share some ideas for how to attach horns to your head or headpiece so you can actually wear the awesome horns with your next cosplay!
Panelist: Pretzl

You can’t manage to combine your job and your creative work? The weaker part of you would rather scroll through Instagram and TikTok, or lie crying in the corner, instead of finally finishing your work? Learn in my panel how to avoid throwing your computer, sewing machine or smartphone out the window in frustration. As an editor and author, I will not only give you tips and tricks on how to find your way out of the maze of your ideas, but also show you how much fun the creative process can be in harmony with your everyday life. About me: By day I’m an editor, but by night I become Bat… er, I write books in the morning! Currently, my boys-love light novel series ASS! of BIKE and my comedy light novel series Sweet! are being released. Sweat! Swoop! at CatMint Publishing. When I’m not sitting at the computer doing creative work, I’m either taking a shower for inspiration or sitting on the toilet, or I’m rocking out at concerts with a beer in my hand.
Panelist: Anne Atsusa

Everyone knows them: the lovingly designed snack boxes you see in anime and manga.
Probably everyone has seen a bento in anime at least once and immediately got hungry at the sight of it: think, for example, of the elaborately designed bento boxes by Makoto Kino from Sailor Moon. But a bento doesn’t have to be elaborately decorated!
Bentos are also becoming increasingly popular in Europe. The practical lunch boxes are no longer a novelty – they have been used in Japan since the 5th century.
In this lecture, Miiyo explains what exactly a bento is, how to prepare one and presents the various utensils that are needed to make a bento a “bento”. Furthermore, we also deal with the questions of whether and how expensive a bento has to be, what types of bento there are and whether a bento really has to be “typically Japanese”. ^_^
Panelist: Miiyo
Limit: 10 Participants! All places for participants are already taken, but you can still join to watch. For this you don’t have to pre-register, just come to the respective VoWo room.